"Googlism.com will find out what Google.com thinks of you, your friends or anything! Search for your name here or for a good laugh check out some of the popular Googlisms below."
"BRILLIANT way of finding out what your name means on the web by cross-referencing Google search results." - Mirror.co.uk"
Alguns exemples:
Googlism for: marieta
- marieta is demonstrating that disabled people can be protagonists of their own lives and can proactively improve
- marieta is the daughter of lusie and aisea tigarea of losa
- marieta is gek oor "trek"
- marieta is in an isolation unit at windhoek state hospital after displaying symptoms of congo fever
- marieta is to blame for everything
- cthulhu is my friend
- cthulhu is pink and fluffy
- cthulhu is google's archive
- cthulhu is female
- cthulhu is a puppet of the immortal elves i tell you
6 comentaris:
Fa molta por. Diu que "tupperware is never wrong".
¡¡¡¡Tupperware is evil!!!!
No li diguis lo primer, que aleshores si que estarem obeint ordres la resta de la vida...
Ja us ho deia, jo.
suggereixo que busqueu Dracula i Zuma
i també joder
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